Not to take anything away from career women with children, they do an amazing job, but I DARE you to challenge me on being a stay at home mama is for ‘married laaaaaazy ass’ women!!!

This topic I can push – being that I used to be one of those who was seriously judging house wives and stay at home mamas.

The job title of Stay At Home Mama is 24/7 job with no break in sight.

Though not restricted to, it includes:

  • Getting up, not just week days but every single day, whenever the child/ren get up. This is commonly at the very latest 7 am.
  • Pulling some all nighters with sick child at times, regardless how you happen to feel
  • Always being available, i.e. calling in sick is not an option
  • Having unlimited amount of patience
  • It also includes a high risk of loosing yourself in the effort of giving as much as possible


Oh, I almost forgot, how could I?

They commonly hold the household bank and decides where the money goes and they DO get to decide what to do with their day – or rather they get to organize their days to be able to fit in all the tasks (i.e. there’s no preset schedule to follow and even the most regular plans often get derailed). She is totally and absolutely accountable for herself and other family members.

Okay, lets look at this again, shall we?

The reason women who CAN choose to become stay at home mamas is NOT because they can’t be bothered with having an amazing and interesting career.

It is their desire, as with every mamas’ desire, to be there for their little child/ren, to give them the best possible start in this adventure we call life, to care in the best interest of them.

They DO get to decide what precisely, YOUR child/children are exposed to. Yes, they also get to be there for the child/ren and creating an environment where they feel love, cared for and safe.

Ultimately, it Is A MASSIVE responsibility to the future generation that includes EVERYONE’s future.

Don’t believe me?

Who do you think will be running the show and the streets in about, oh let’s say 13-17 yrs time?

Having that stated, I also know of women who saw the part about getting back to work as a lifesaver. They felt so pushed in their being at home environment that getting to go back to work, getting to be themselves, allowed to go to the bathroom to pee all by themselves, was such relief and gives them a much needed break rather than an overload of guilt for not being at home. As much as these women would like to be available for their child/ren – and they are even if they’re working – being at work, working on their career allows them for a certain freedom and maintains their creativity in a constructive way.

Neither is better than the other. It’s mainly a choice, but the judgement about stay at home mama needs to be reconstructed. She deserve more respect than she’s getting.

So who is the stronger and the tougher?
The career working mama or the stay at home mama?


Anointed Daughter of the Most High Jesus follower


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